Oh I thought Id throw this out there for those of you are interested. The History Channel in cooperation with Kuma Games Is releasing single player and multiplayer maps bassed on their Shoot Out! series They Connsit of both Mutliplayer and Single player maps for Different Battles of Different Wars.
You Can get this game here: www.history.com/games.do
Currently out is
Iwo Jima Mutiplayer: Play As either the Japanese Imperial Army or The U.S. Marines on a midnight Raid map. U.S. Weapons- Thompson SMG, M1Garand Rifle, US Frag Grenade, Combat Knife Japan- Arisaka Model 38 Bolt Action Rifle w/ Bayonet, Type 97 Japanese Hand Grenade, Officers Samurai Sword.
The Battle of the Bulge Mutiplayer- Play as U.S. Airborne or German Infantry on a winter Map of a small Village U.S. Weapons- M1 Garande, Thompson, BAR, US Frag Grenade German Wehrmacht- MP40, K98 Mauser Rifel, Stick Grenade
There are also Maps for The Vietnam War and ones are in the Plans for the war in Iraq and more WWII maps. (one of them being the Battle of Okinawa) and every week there is a new map to play.
Now it Is not Call of Duty or anything but it is free and had a decent online player base and the multiplayer is getting improved quite often. Check it out if you want.
Yes it is a pretty fun game. And its free! :) plus you can almost always find people playing. My 2 biggest grips are though are the lag on some servers, and the lack of accuracy of the weapons. Fireing a weapon in this game is more like fireing at an enemy in Brothers in Arms, and not the easy one shot pick offs like in COD or MOH. But I do like banzai charging with a group of my teamates with my sword drawn, and fighting hand to hand agaisnt marines. Or organizing massive assults on the main house in Bastone. Thats one onther thing I like about this. The teamwork is pretty good. Most people works together more then what you see in alot of the "im the l33test" everyman for your self play that goes on with alot of comercial games. Anyways. I play it, and its free. Check it out if u want.
Kinda buggy sometimes. The AI isnt that great I dont think. I still play single player missions though. The single player mission are hard though but fun. I guess you really gotta check it out for yourself
Its for the History Channel series Shootout! Its a show on friday nights that discusses different battles of different wars in detail. Pretty good show If you ask me
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