Couldn't find the old "Unions 2.0" thread so I thought I'd ask about this again...
It's been 6 years, people are still asking for union updates. No matter how hard you try to ignore it, the demand won't go away, only the users will. These aren't even crazy asks. Just the ability for them to level up again would be amazing or just some way to get rid of the graveyard of unions stuck at the front via surfacing more active unions. Or how about just surfacing the unions in the main navigation (under the "forums" tab) so that people can actually find them?
I do understand that unions are/were probably too expensive for gamespot to support (given that they are completely free for anyone to create). I am willing to pay for a monthly gamespot membership for the privilage of running a union, and I know there are many more out there willing to do the same. Heck, I'll even work with gamespot in giving feedback for a union reboot. I know there's a way this can be done right with compromises on both sides.
We're really not asking for much here. You can even rebrand unions back to user created forums if that makes you feel better. I beg, anything, any little update what so ever would greately help this feature. At the very least an explanation of why gs refuses to support unions.
Thanks for your time.
EDIT: It seems GS has restored leveling up and badges to the unions after being disabled since 2006. Please voice your opinion and let GS know their further work on Unions is much appreciated.
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