First of all, the christian religion is not a real religiong like confusius or whatever the actual name for his worshipping is. It's random people in a group just randomly beliving one normal individual shoule be treaed like a godbased on deeds
Even Islam, has it so that it's a different way of worshipping god, but stillbuilt to be stand alone changing how things work, and what not to do. etc.
Christianitys sole existence is Jesus. Who was a Jew in the first place. Think about the following for a second:
Most of the time, churches focus more on worshipping Jesus than god. It makes no direct sense in that regard. The ones that don;t hold him almost as high as a god, even though many even say he;s just a prophet.
Christian worship Jesus like some people worship confusions. Not as a prophet, but as god himself. Not to mention the contradictory statement of we are all gods children yet the preachers will say Jesus is the son of god.
Christianity is a group/cult or etc. of people that actually are not a real religion despite world opinion. You are not worshipping a beyind the beyond, you are not trying to reach a certain port where answers come to you, you don't have gods that control different things, you are worshipping one random guy and decided to base a whole belief based on him.
Inexcusable. It's justlike me saving 7 peoples lives, or walk on shallow water even though I am mostly a normal guy, and thse 7 people worship me because like 2 things I gave them advice on work, so now those 7 are 7,000, and than 600,000 and so on.
That's what Christianity is, false beliefs. Not trying to insult anybody but tha's exactly what it is.
christianity and islam both focus on worshipping god or alah...the divergeance is that christians believe that jesus is a part of god and islams believe that muhammad is a prophet and the progenetor of their religion and its text, you would surprised about how close the two religions actually are
every church that ive heard of or know of that claim to be christian also proclaim that jesus is a part of god. and while it is true that jesus and god have a supposed son/father relationship, they are supposedly the same being
christianity believes in a creator(god)...he is this supposed "beyond the beyond" that you're talking about and he is said to give you answers to your problems and to control the entirety of the universe. they worship god...who consists of god(creator), jesus(the son who is the messiah and was on earth) and the holy spirit(that thing that "talks" to you)
christianty is an evolution of the jewish faith, heck...over half of the bible is the jewish scripture...go figure. so to say that they dont believe in god is a bit far fetched. the divergeance here is that they believe that the only way to get to paradise is to believe that jesus came to earth and saved them...ergo...messiah...and to ask for forgiveness for the sins that they have commited. that being said...there are portions of issiah(an old testament book that the jews believe) reference and point to the coming of a messiah who is the "son of god" and that he would be jewish...again...divergeance is that the jews believe christ was a prophet and christians believe that christ was "the son of god" and the messiah.
that being not a believer in god/jesus whatever...i was however raised christian and know a good bit about the religion and its teachings...most of what u said is utter bullocks and completely nonsensical...if u are gonna try to disprove least read the damned text first so you know what youre talking about
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