In my opinion not. If you see what time and effort that goes into it. On the other hand if you see the money made out of it. Some games I was thinking afterwards this was worth it,other games I tought is this it. But then again I don't by much games that are 50 I wait for the editions with all dlc's because there is so much to game.
Yes and no. Depends on the game. Some games are totally worth their price tag while alot of them aren't. Also I don't like the route dlc is taking these days. Some dlc is good, but alot of it is crap that should have been in the game from the start and it feels like they are trying to nickel and dime us to death. I think David Jaffe once made a comment that instead of all games being $60 they should have different prices depending on the amount of content they offer. So like a 10 hour game might only cost $20 or something like that. Personally I think thats a good idea, but realistically it will never happen.
Well having realised I've spent over £240 on games this year, plus I bought a new 360 for £200, I have to say yes gaming is very expensive. although I blame cheap games for my bad spending habbit
ESPECIALLY if you wait 6 months or more after the game is released XD. Backlog gaming FTW! :P I'm still playing games that were released like two years ago :lol:
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