Okay, everyone. Vince: How Old Are You V2 is here! And it's a lot more fun then ever!
This time around, users will be guessing how old Vince is! Not only will it be a lot more fun but there is also a prize! Plus, it's not just Vince that has a new age this time! That's right! More WWE Superstars do! You can edit your posts all you want, the deadline is 12 AM ET. So, hbk91, lock it then .. The winner will receive: A WWE match sent via E-Mail! hbk91 and I will determine the rest! Here are all of the Vince: How Old Are You's! Please submit your guesses! Person with the most correct guesses wins!
VHOAY1: Hulk Hogan has his own Reality TV show! He is a desperate OLD MAN to get back into show business, but how old is he?
VHOAY2: Rhyno throwing a vase down in a hotel! He's a LITTLE KID throwing a temper tantrum at what age?
VHOAY3: Chris Jericho a heel, a face and a neutral all in one! He's a mood-swining ADOLESCENT at what age?
VHOAY4: Wow, the RAW Diva Search didn't debut like they said it would! Then, they take out Shelton & Muhammad from Vengeance! So, Vince is a lying teenager trying to get away with things! But, what age is this liar?
Submit your guesses!
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