I've said it before, but bringing Cena back as a heel would be a huge mistake. I think this break from Cena is just what the doctor ordered. I'll be shocked if Cena doesn't come back hotter than ever. After a few months off from the superhero with Triple H trying to fill in, the hatred should have died down, if not almost completely, while his fans will be behind him huge. He'll come back as the top face WWE has been trying to get him over as for the last few years. It would be borderline idiocy not to run with that. Personally, I'm betting that Triple H will turn heel on John Cena to use that momentum to get himself over. I'd be shocked if he didn't. Capitilize on the momentum of his return and let him enjoy nearly 100% positive reactions for once and save the heel turn for down the road, where it could potentially be something on the same scale as Hogan in 96.
Plus heel Cena does not automatically make for better promos. The same writers are going to be there. And there's no guarantee that heel = better delivary by Cena either. Lets just hope that, maybe, he tok some acting classes in his free time, so that, face or heel, he improves there. In 2003, I believe Cena was writing his own stuff, which might be a reason his promos were so much better. Plus, he wasn't that great in 03 in the ring. He showed potential, that's all. In 2007, he delivered on that potential. There are very few wrestlers who can claim to have wrestled better matches than John Cena in 2007, so the heel = better matches thing doesn't fly with me, either.
Also, did you suggest turning Orton face? I think that is also a bad idea. Orton has shown absolutely no sign that he would do any better than the epically bad 2004 face run. If anything, I think Orton has actually gotten worse when it comes to the personality department. Nothing he has done suggests to me that he could do anything positive as a face. Orton strikes me as a career heel.
The only thing that does concern me about Cena's return is where it'll leave Jeff Hardy, who has been the biggest benificiary of Cena's absence. Unfortunately, I'm thinking he gets demoted to Samckdown after Wrestlemania, where he'll get his world title run. That's not an awful thing, I think there's a lot for him and others on Smackdown, but its unfortunate that it'll happen without the prestige of Raw. If things go like I anticipate, I'll be far more interested in Smackdown with Jeff Hardy vs Edge and a Matt Hardy heel turn for a Hardy-Hardy feud (which would almost have to be better than their 2001 feud, which I believe they are ashamed of, too), than Raw with Cena-Orton-H.
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