Who are your favorite wrestlers right now.
2. Jeff Hardy
And thats about it, John Cena used to be my favorite, but then he turned face and it all went downhill.
I also like Santino Morella, but only because of his funny promos.
In order:
1. Edge
2. Matt Hardy
3. MVP
4. Shawn Michaels
5. CM Punk
For Promos:
1. Santino
2. Jericho
3. Edge
4. MVP
5. HBK
humor me and find the last time there was a thread about who your favorite wrestlers are?
it was literally 6 months ago. let it go.
Your a freaking riot dude. You go from getting on me for everything I say, then pretending to actually back me up once in a ewhilte when you were leader, and now your back to getting on me again. Maybe you should let what I say go.
humor me and find the last time there was a thread about who your favorite wrestlers are?
it was literally 6 months ago. let it go.
Your a freaking riot dude. You go from getting on me for everything I say, then pretending to actually back me up once in a ewhilte when you were leader, and now your back to getting on me again. Maybe you should let what I say go.
Gary's gary, who cares what he says anyway. :P
Eh, I'll play. Off the to of my head:
1. Bret Hart and Rob Van Dam, because I live in the past.
2. Roderick Strong
3. Alex Shelley
4. Bryan Danielson
5. Christian
6. Edge
7. Samoa Joe
8. Jack Evans
9. AJ St-yles
10. Everyone not named Triple H
1. CM Punk
2. RVD
3. Mick Foley
4. Shawn Michaels
5. John Cena
6. Colt Cabana
The rest will be in no order, but I still consider them my favorites, or at the very least, honorable mentions:
Chris Jericho
Rey Mysterio
Matt Hardy
Alex Shelley
Kevin Steen
Chris Hero
Are we talking about past or present
cuz is both i gotta say
"The Rock"(Greatest Heel/Face character ever)
"Mahco Man"
"D-lo brown"
My Favourite top 10 single competitor wrestlers:
My Favourite top 10Tag-Team/stable:
Bryan Danielson - Gets better and better with each passing year. I truly didn't think it would get any better for Bryan Danielsonbeyond 2006. In 2007, he's more consistent than ever, and has put on even more classic matches with the likes of Takeshi Morishima & Nigel Mcguiness. He's finally legitimatelyoveron the levelthat Samoa Joe was,and is all but officially RoH's top Babyface.
umm when u say nation of domination which nation are you talking aboutMy Favourite top 10 single competitor wrestlers:
- AJ S_tyl_es
- Chris Jericho
- Steve Austin
- Rob Van Dam
- Undertaker
- Kurt Angle
- Bret Hart
- Jeff Hardy
My Favourite top 10Tag-Team/stable:
- DX
- nWo
- Nation of Domination
- Team 3D
- The Hart Foundation
- The Steiner Brothers
- The Hardy Boyz
- Evolution
- Motor City Machine Guns
- Rock 'N' Sock Connection
Farooqnation of domination:farooq...rocky malvia....kama...d-lo...mark henry
The rock
The nation:the rock...owen hart...d-lo...godfarther...mark henry
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