Agree with this. Women's wrestling on WWE is awful now. A first blood match. Very interesting.Flamecommando
yes it is quite awful...the only women they have that can actually wrestle are mickie james and gail kim...but back when it was good you had trish, lita, jazz, jackie, victoria (now tara), hell...even torrie could wrestle better than these current womenand IMO having two separate titles for the womens division just makes it even weaker than it should be..WWE's womens division is NOT in depth or strong enough to warrant having two separate story lines for both titles...they should really just have one for both shows
TNA's womens division IMO is actually really quite phenomenal...they are highly entertaining and i love all the characters NOT just as a pretty face, but as wrestlers too....and now they're willing to bleed for their company....brings a tear to me eye, it really does
and TNA really does give their womens division good slot time in the card....Raws divas match monday night was short, unsweet, and pathetic...but TNA's vixens (do they still use that term anymore? lol) match was the second to last match, right next to the main event, which is a GREAT slot....the match was a good length, great wrestling, and developed daffneys and taras story even further
i understand WWE doesn't want their women getting hurt...but isn't it a wrestlers job to put on a great WRESTLING show and keep your opponent safe? i mean maybe if they actually made them learn to wrestle and developer better characters and STILL be pretty, then it could be interesting again...until then, TNA rules in this department
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