I suppose that it goes without saying that wrestling itself is something of a guilty pleasure. I don't exactly hide it (like anyone around me knows what a No Remorse Corps is, anyways) but I'm not exactly forthcoming about it. These days, I'm pretty embarrassed by it. Thanks Vince.
I'll also buy Hogan's Wrestlemania IX win.
1. Goldberg. He's the reason I got back into wrestling in the first place. Sure he may not have been the best wrestler, sure, he is, more or less, repsonsible for ending Bret Hart's career and sure, he may think a bit too highly of himself, but I could seriously watch him wreck people all day.
2. Goldberg vs Lesnar. I still maintain that in another situation, in front of another crowd, that these two could wrestle the exact same match and people would love it If you ignore the never-ending face-off, the match itself is pretty standard Goldberg and is fun, not a MOTY or anything, but fun. As for the face-off itself, I think this was intended to have that epic Warrior-Hogan face-off feel, but the crowd just wasn't buying it. Someone could have stood to call an audible and get the match started a little quicker, but still, with the benefit of Fast Forward. IMO, the only reason the match gets hated on as much as it does is the crowd. It is far from the worst match in Wrestlemania history and isn't even the worst match at Wrestlemania XX.
I'm not sure I'd define these next two as guilty pleasures so much as they are uncharacteristic of me.
3. The McMahon-Helmsley Era: I'm sure, give my current feelings about Triple H and Stephanie McMahon as on-screen charaters, you'd think that the period of time when they more or less ran the show would be pure torture for me. You'd be wrong, I loved it. For those of you who may have missed this revelation when I've made it on other occasions, I have not always hated Triple H and everything he does. As a matter of fact, for many years, Triple H was one of my favorite wrestlers and during the McMahon-Helmsey era, Triple H could just about do no wrong in my eyes. I loved the McMahon-Helmsley Era, they made such a great heel force and were just so effective. They were especially refreshing coming off crap like the Corporate Ministry and McMahon as the Higher Power and all that cartoonish BS, where the Attitude Era lost its way.
4. The Kurt-Trips-Steph Love Triangle: Kinda similar to McMahon-Helmsley era in that its something that you wouldn't think I'd enjoy, but I thought it was great storytelling.
5. Trips retaining the WWF Title at Wrestlemania 16. I coulda done without the McMahonamania surrounding the match, but I liked Trips retaining the title. Personally, I either wanted Foley to win the title or Trips to retain in this main event. I've never been the Rock's biggest fan, I'm not saying I don't like the guy or anything, he's great, but at the time I preferred Foley or Trips to him.
6. The King of the Mountain Match concept: TNA can get a little ludicrous when it comes to their match stipulations, but the KOTM match is one of the few times where I actually love their crazy stipulations. You'd think any match with a Penalty Box would be doomed, much less the concept of a reverse Ladder match, but I really like the concept. Unfortunately Jeff Jarrett saw fit to win one of the damn thing so he could call himself the King of the Mountain to anyone that'll listen.
That's about all I got right now. I'm certain there are more.
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