Quite honestly I always like the Heels more then the Faces. I hate when a good heel turns face. Although some perform better as a face then heel overall I just find Heels more entertaining.
I just stick to certain people. I like the Rock before he was the Rock and cheered no matter what side he was on. Same thing for Randy Orton. I love his in ring character.
I prefer certain wrestlers as heels over faces... The Great Khali, for example, just makes me laugh as a face, as to me it seems obvious he should be a heel, just like its unlikely they'll ever turn Hornswoggle heel.
On a related note, does anyone else miss Heel HBK?
Only certain people can pull off a good entertaining Heel. Jericho, Orton, and I would say Santino. I agree with you, Heels>Faces. The WWE needs a fantastic face to go up against the biggest heel. They need another Rock type character to put butts in the seats, not put us to sleep.
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