Source: Wrestling Observer
Things just got much worse for the recently suspended Jeff Hardy as his Cameron, NC, house burnt down last night, wrecking everything he owns. Hardy and his family were not home at the time.
Jim Ross reveals new info...
According to an update by Jim Ross on his website, Matt Hardy first saw smoke coming from Jeff Hardy's house, but got there too late and could do nothing but watch it burn to the ground.
"Apparently Matt Hardy saw smoke coming from Jeff's home on Friday night, discovered that no one was home, but arrived at the house too late to do any thing but watch it burn to the ground.
These are challenging times for Jeff to say the least. Not only has he incurred his second strike with only one remaining before he would be terminated from the WWE, his situation has been underscored by the fact that his suspension went public per the WWE policy, which went into effect on November 1 and with which I wholeheartedly agree. Now Jeff's home has been destroyed with the heart breaking reality that his beloved dog died in the fire as well."
UPDATE: has posted the following update on Jeff Hardy's house burning down.
TMZ just spoke to Captain Bruner of the Cameron Fire Department -- and he told us the Moore County Fire Department has ruled the cause of the fire that claimed wrestler Jeff Hardy's home as "undetermined."
Bruner said around 11:30 PM the blaze was "paged out as a wildfire" -- because the citizens that made the call only saw the fire through some woods. Three minutes later another call was made -- this time specifically naming the Hardy residence as the location of the fire.
When firemen arrived at the scene, Hardy's home was "fully engulfed." Because the home was "burnt so bad," the Moore County Fire officials investigating the blaze ruled it "undetermined."
Foul play on the part of Jeff Hardy is not being investigated -- because Jeff Hardy told Captain Bruner that he didn't have insurance on his home.
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