Option 1:
John Cena
Triple H
Option 2:
Rob Van Dam
At New Year's Revolution, facing increasingly hostile reactions to its chosen babyface champion, John Cena, WWE listened to Dusty Rhodes and gambled. They shockingly cashed in on the seemingly forgotten Money in the Bank contract held by Edge since Wrestlemania and 2 minutes after Cena had won the Elimination Chamber match to a hostile reaction, the crowd erupted for a new champion in the form of Edge. The gamble paid off.
As a matter of fact, it paid off better than they dreamed of, because Edge not only got people talking, he got people watching. It started with a "shock-value" gimmick of a Live Sex Celebration, in the same vein as HLA and wedding angles, and it drew strong numbers. Then the next week, it was a gimmick match that had not been seen in a while in the TLC match between Edge and Flair, a match that delivered far more than it should have. The ratings for these shows was ver strong especially for Edge's segments. Then, the next week, with no gimmicks, the ratings remained as strong as his crowd reactions. This was something I don't think the WWE anticipated, people wanted to see Edge, not the outrageous gimmicks. There plan to pull a rapid-fire switch at the Rumble did not look so appealing. However, they went forward with it. After a brief detour which drew lots of interest, WWE went back to its plan and put the belt back on Cena.
Since then, the good ratings that Edge's reign started have continued and Edge continues to be the most over heel in the company while he has his main event position. Meanwhile, WWE has started a tournament to crown a #1 contender for the Title to wrestle at Wrestlemania featuring Triple H, HBK, Ric Flair, Kane Big Show, Chris Masters, Carlito and the returning RVD. In a WWE.com poll which WWE even advertised on Raw, fans were asked who they thought would win the tournament and the fans overwhelmingly responded with three initials in RVD, who more than doubled the number produced by the runner up and likely winner, Triple H. In a follow-up poll, RVD produced the same results with the narrowed down options.
This coming Monday (Raw will air Thursday in the US... Does Vince know that TNA doesn't move to Thursdays until April?), Raw will have one of the legitimate biggest and most significant main events in the shows long history when John Cena will defend the WWE Title against Edge with Mick Foley being the Special Guest Referee. Similar to thei encounter at the Royal Rumble, this match up represents to diverging paths that Raw's half of the Wrestlemania main event can follow. They can go ahead with what appears to have been the plan that was set into motion as far back as the draft lottery that moved Cena to Raw and have the clash between the tried and true Triple H and chosen son, John Cena, while ignoring the recent surges in response to Edge and RVD, or they can toss the dye again and go with two guys who aren't proven and who's success was never pre-ordained by the powers that be in WWE, but who have been met with support from the fans since they were handed the proverbial ball in Edge and RVD.
My bias is rather obvious, but I leave the question to you, which, of these two still possible matches, would you rather see as Raw's Wrestlemania main event?
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