1.) Link- The GOAT. The Tom Brady of leaders here at WWEv. He ran a tight ship and got the most out of his officers. Put his heart and soul into this place and no one appreciated him until he was gone.
2.) JLM897- The Russell Wilson of leaders. I never thought much of him before he got the nod, but wow was I impressed. The future is bright for WWEv.
3.) Sephy- meh call him The Big Ben of leaders. Had his moments of greatness, but most of the time was meh.
4.) HBK91- The Drew Brees of leaders. Everyone loved him and got a hardon for him but I thought he was no good. Overrated
5.) TheDude- The Ryan Leaf of leaders. Jackoff said he was going to choose TheDude or The_Great_One2 for leader and he went with thedude. This place went straight down the gutter and took years to get back to mediocrity.
6.) Jackoff The Mark Sanchez. The worst. lulz
'Nuff Said.
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