After attending that craptacular excuse of a show in New York the other night, i can safely say that RoH is dead. It had a good 6 year run, but none of the shows after Final Battle 2008 have been blow away or even all that good.
I go to these shows now and i feel like i'm watching mid 90's WWE PPVs. Decent to good main evnets, while everything below is either flat out garbage or pointless. There's nothing wrong with a match that only goes 10 or even 5 minutes, but christ, do it for a reason! It did nothing but piss the fans off. Gabe wasn't setting the world on fire with his booking towards the end of his tenure. He was clearly burned out, but at least his shows had some semblance of logic and structure to them. In his prime, there wasn't a better booker than Mr. Sapolsky. Just watch any show from 2004, which IMO, was the absolute best year in RoH's run.
On top of all that, the talent just isn't there anymore. You have Danielson, Cabana, Rave, and Black as the only decent workers on the roster. Jacobs schtick is getting old. Claudio just doesn't seem to care all that much anymore, at least in RoH. They've ruined Necro Butcher, who could've been one of their biggest stars. Steenerico are stuck in a boring feud with a lame tag team. None of the workers are "horrible" per se, but none have the all around star power of the 2004 - 2006 roster.
And now they're bringing in guys like D'lo, Nunzio, and Jerry Lynn to try to draw in new fans?! Yeah, okay..... established veterans don't draw..... charisma and star power is what draws. True, a casual fan may be more inclined to check out a show that has familiar faces, but only if those faces belong to guys like Austin, Rock, Hogan, HHH, HBK, etc. These "established veterans" are only doing RoH a disservice. Now they look even more "bush league" than they did before.
In closing, Cary and Adam Pearce, you're **** morons. You had something awesome before and in your hare braned effort to make more money and "reach out to the casual fans", you've destroyed it. Your tv show sucks. Your shows suck. Your product sucks, period. There's nothing wrong with wanting to grow as a company. It's a business. Businesses are out to make money. We get this. But god damn it, do it the right way by being innovative! Thanks for taking away my only alternative the idiocy up north.
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