by Mike Johnson @ 9:40:52 AM on 8/31/2007
Samoa Joe posted the following on his official website in regard to rumors (not reported on circling around his TNA tenure:
"Former X-Division champion Samoa Joe has been telling people that he would rather accept an entry level WWE contract (believed to be $50,000 per year), rather than resigning with TNA. Joe is not happy in TNA, and doesn't want to stay with the company when his current contract expires."
This statement is untrue because of one tell all reason. "he would rather accept an entry level WWE contract (believed to be $50,000 per year), rather than resigning with TNA."
Buuuuuuuuuull*****, Are you crazy? I really really like money! You see, the goal as a career pro wrestler is to work hard, make money, and hopefully have a life that is somewhat of a comfortable experience in your latter years. Do many of us succeed? Well, no but a Kid can dream can't he?
The only reason why I choose to openly refute this rumor is because in all honesty it makes me look SO UNCOOL around the office! I mean when you make up cool rumors that make me seem all super rebellious and anti authority I just ride with it, but when you make up rumors that I am going to work just as hard for less money, well that just make me feel that you think I would be dumb enough to do something like that.
In closing,
My name is Samoa Joe
and You can watch me & TNA Wrestling on SPIKE TV..
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