I'm like to watch Star Trek: Into Darkness and Man Of Steel, but I wouldn't say I'm truly excited about them.Â
Before Midnight is probably the one movie I'm most excited for at this precise moment. If it succeeds to same caliber brought to the table by the other two movies, then this can be considered one of the greatest trilogies of all time.Â
And before anyone decides to judge the films on the basis of a short synopsis one might read online, you should realize that these films show some of the most realistic and down to Earth portrayals of love and separation I've seen in all the years I've been watching movies. They capture the true excitement of meeting that 'one' person who you think is perfect for you, while also not being afraid to show the harsh truth about love in general. They are very grown up movies that don't abide by the rules of 'happy ending/hollywood' type of writing, but follow themes and realities that make sense to every day life when it comes to couples. The script/dialogue, acting, and direction captures these two main characters so perfectly that you'd think they were real people (Basically, it almost feels like a documentary based on when these two people met together for the first and second time -- and comes across that they are not acting at all). Each time I watch these films I fall in love with the two main characters, and it genuinely feels like I could walk into these two fascinating personalities in real life. I simply can't stress enough how 'real' these two feel.Â
The first is easily one of the greatest romantic films ever made, while the second one arguably surpassed even that. I don't really want to go too far into detail just in case of spoilers, but these two movies are truly works of art. I mean the second film even goes so far as to be shot in 'real-time', which takes insane talent to utilize properly. When I say 'real-time', I mean that it feels like one continuous shot for 70 minutes (The shots change here and there, but it is all done in real-time), not ever skipping forward to another point in the story. Anybody who has seen the movie 'Rope' should know what I mean by this, but it surpasses even that in terms of everything seen abiding by the rules of time we must endure every day. Not only does a gimmick such as that add to the realism, but it's used so appropriately that it feels completely natural. It's almost like you are standing alongside this couple on their journey, instead of watching them through a screen.
Anyway, so far Before Midnight has been getting Universal Acclaim from critics, which has excited me even more, as I was worried about being disappointed on its release. If it's anywhere close to the standard in quality set by the first two movies, then this trilogy can easily be considered better than the Star Wars Trilogy, The Godfather Trilogy, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Back To The Future Trilogy, The Indiana Jones Trilogy, The Vengeance Trilogy, The Bourne Trilogy, The Evil Dead Trilogy, ect.Â
Instead, it'll be on the same level as The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, The Three Colors Trilogy, The Dollars Trilogy, The Toy Story Trilogy, and another undisclosed Trilogy which never gets mentioned for some insane reason (All of which have no truly weak link that disappoints -- in my opinion).Â
Anybody who can guess this undisclosed trilogy will get the biggest props I've ever given anyone :P
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