Day in and day out I see John Cena being torn to shreds across internet forums. I have to admit origninally when the Anit-Cena campaign started I was puzzled, I had not seen a rason as to why all of the sudden the fans were turning on him. I see myself as an impartial viewer in this spectical but at some point I came to realize that I have the knowledge of wrestling (yes, I'm pretty conceited) to show the fans what they are doing, and why it is hypocritical. Why am I doing this? Well to be honest, I feel bad. Yes I feel bad. John Cena has been everything a face Champion should be, charismatic, graceful with fans, persistent, I feel bad for the guy.
Firstly let me state before I get into this, Cena is not a bad wrestler. I repeat Cena is not a bad wrestler. Let that sink into your skulls, I'll wait... are we good? Ok, probably the most hypocritical crap I see from fans today is that John Cena does "the same old &*%$" so he sucks. Yes, he does I'll admit that he is repetitive. Why even when I went on Wikipedia there was a paragraph on what the called John Cenas "6 Moves of Doom", it was at that point I lost it. Repetiveness has never stopped you ass-hats from cheering before? Why even the phrase "6 Moves of Doom" is stolen from the description of Bret Hart where it was firstly used to describe his extremely repetive style. At ONS the fans were chanting "same old *&%#", yet in that same match was one even more repetitive RVD. I have yet to see a Van Dam match not completed with out one Rolling Thunder, one caught heel spin kick, and a 5*. That's why Van Dam has floundered in the WWE mid-card prior to this push, his inability to adapt his style and gimmick. RVD is the epitomay of how you say "same old @#$%" the man still uses the same gimmick, pot jokes, and style of the 90's. The only reason he was pushed was aout of promotion of ECW not his years of work. Other Champions cheered who are widely known to be repetitive? Stone Cold Steve Austin, seen one match, seen them all. Now does this make these wrestlers suck? Hell no, RVD is a great wrestler to watch,I could watch hours of SCSA matches, Bret Hart is legnedary. Repetiveness should not be a basis for heat.
So I found holes in the arguement of repetiveness, but I didn't think that was the reason people hate John Cena. Personally I think that was a blanket to hide the reall reason behind. Most clear to me is that John Cena get's the most heat from teenage fans. Most mature adults and young children seem to love the guy, this is what leads me down a two answer path. Basically I think the vast reason why Cena is hated is because he is indeed too mainstream (at least as mainstream as can be in the industry), many internet fans do something I like to call Wreslting Elitism (I cite this for heat all the time). Esentially they hate John Cena because they believe if they like him they aren't sophisticated and intelligent fans, because casual fans like him. My other reason has to do with teenage angst, rebelling from what is like by the younger crowd or the older crowds.
In closing, John Cena is not a bad wreslter, again I must reiterate that. The only fault I can find in him is the fact that he relies on cliches far too much, his Chain Gang, etc. can be percieved as lame attempts to level with the crowd. But again this is nothing new, for decades wreslters have used lame claiches to get them over, why DX is doing it right now. Take this into consideration the next time you bash the man please.
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