Try and get one from today's big 3 (only three?):
TNA: Alex Shelley vs Roderick Strong vs Austin Aires vs Sonjay Dutt, Bound For Glory 2005. Bound for Glory was something of a PPV of disappointment. I mean they brought f'n Jushin Liger all the way over from Japan to lose in, like, 7 minutes. One match, though, that did not disappoint was this opener, which aired during the Pre-Show (or free portion of BFG :roll: ). This was exactly the type of match that makes people love the X Division (so its exactly the type of match TNA never gives us anymore). Of course, the most obnoxious guy in the match is the guy that wins, but even Dutt's Sprinkler can only bring the match down so much, as Dutt, when not sprinkling, isn't too bad. It'd still have been better had it just been Aires vs Shelley vs Strong. Just an awesome, action packed exhibition. My favorite part of the match, though, Strong goes for a cover, Shelley comes in and loudly slaps Strong's back to break it up, Strong gets up and hits the LOUDEST chop in TNA history on Shelley, Shelley slaps Strong, Strong slaps Shelley and they just stare murder at each other for a second before Strong goes back to killing somebody.
WWE: Jamie Noble vs Billy Kidman, Survivor Series 2002. The Elimination Chamber is really the selling point of this SS, but its kind of forgotten that this is one of the best overall shows WWE did that year and part of that comes from this totally underrated Cruiserweight Title match. Kidman and Noble just seem to have great chemistry and worked at a fast pace while incorporating some awesome and innovative stuff. Its the kind of great Cruiserweight action you could only find on Velocity. Favorite part, Noble's Hangmen's DDT on Kidman. It looks like death.
ROH: John Walters vs Jimmy Rave, All Star Extravaganza II. As a rule, I hate Pure Title matches. As a rule, most ROH fans hate on everything that either John Walters or Jimmy Rave does. It comes especially easily when this match occurs on the same show as a Joe-Punk. However, this Walters-Rave is one of the hidden gems of ASE II as they are on, for whatever reason and put together a really strong match and a match which the Pure Title rules actually work to the advantage of the match as opposed to the detriment. Creative finish, too.
Alex Shelley vs Jimmy Jacobs, Joe vs Punk II. Something of a theme to these two. This is the blow-off "I Quit" match to the Shelley-Jacobs feud which has the unfortunate circumstance of occurring the same night as the "5 Star match." On any other night, this would have been one of the most talked about matches of the show as this is a great match with some brutal stuff. Shelley and Jacobs entered ROH as partners until Shelley ditches Jacobs to form up GenNext. Jacobs is continually frutrated by Shelley. This is a great mix of some hardcore action and some technical wrestling (a theme of the show, cause if you ever get it, you need to watch the debate between Mick Foley and Ricky Steamboat, too. Wooo). Favorite moment, Shellshock into the barricade.
ECW: Jerry Lynn vs Lance Storm, Anarchy Rulez 99. Being underappreciated is kinda the story of these guys' careers. When it comes to Jerry Lynn, its pretty much always RVD. Maybe someone will bring up an AJ match if they followed TNA in the early days. Lance is so underappreciated, you'd be lucky to get anybody to say anything. However, the opener to Anarchy Rulez 99 is a match that deserves props. It is damn near on par with RVD-Lynn and anybody that knows me ought to appreciate the compliment that is. This is the kind of match ECW never gets credit for having because Vince writes history. Favorite moment, the longest, most awesome 2 count sequence I have ever seen.
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