Over the past week, we have found an increase in the number of folks using UCBs and other board to spam-level -- meaning that there are posts containing nothing but one word replies, smiley faces, and other short replies in mass production with the sole intent of increasing post count and level. Guess what? When the admins find these, they don't like to see people abusing the level system, and the best way to deal with these people is the undo their work. Account resets arre applied when we find folks creating or participating in these threads. If you have been reset, we have found that you have participated in at least a few posts of this nature. It was not an accident, and it was not a bug. Its a warning to not post meaninglessly. The leveling system is there for people who actually contribute to the community.
Moderators do not perform these actions, therefore any accusations of "Omni/TRG/Thr22/etc. has a grudge against me" will fall on deaf ears. These are done by administrators, and again, its not done on accident. If you got reset, take it was a warning to be aware of what threads you post in, and to not take participation in spam threads.
For more information, you should email Bethany@gamespot.com or Alex@gamespot.comTheRagingGamer
Hey guys, I just wanted to make sure you guys heard the news because the wrestling name game is probably sunk somewhere and it had the information I want you guys to hear.
The anouncement is that certain users have been abusing the level system in UCBs and Union boards. What these people were doing was what they call "mass spam" which means posting spam continuously in order to raise your post count and GS level. The GS admins do not like this and they have been going around resetting the accounts of every user who commits this act.
Mass spam is one of the following: Posting a one word post, smiley post, short phrase post (such as a name of a wrestler or posts like "I don't know"), or quote with no reply. I noticed a couple of you guys have done this a couple of times and I'm just here to warn you. Take this warning instead of the ones the admins give out, which is the resetting of the account.
So because of this the wrestling name game, a game which makes it's players write the name of a wrestler that begins with the last letter of the other wrestler's name, is considered mass spam. If that game continues all that have contributed will eventually have their accounts reset.
This brings me to talk about my Pic Edition game. The only way that can continue without it being spam is if you guys post up a phrase when you guess. Here's a good example:
Instead of saying "Christian?" or something similar, try "Is it Christian?" or "My guess is Christian."
If you guys can follow that the game shouldn't have a problem continuing.
This rule was posted about a week ago, so it's new. Don't believe me? I will redirect you to the official statement.
You can ask that mod or any of the mods if you don't believe any of this, they will tell you.
Also following this post, I don't want to see posts like "stupid mods, why are they so harsh?" or "darn GS mods!!". They're not the ones enforcing this rule, the GS admins will be the ones that reset your accounts if they spot you. So give the mods a break.
Now I don't mind if you break this rule every once in a while but don't let it happen over and over again. No more spam guys.
As it says in that post:
For more information, you should email Bethany@gamespot.com or Alex@gamespot.com
But if you don't feel like asking them or emailing them, you can always ask here or PM me.
If you feel the need to flame me do so in an organized, well written post, I don't respect the opinions of name callers. No "wwervin is a jerk" posts. :P
Thanks for understanding.
You read their posts. I am not risking the unions ranking/level or even my status here on GameSpot because of spammers who post one thing like an emotion and a blank quote. I am simply not tolerating it and if someone is seen with over 10 offences, I will have no option but to report them to an admin/mod. Honesty is out best policy. No POLLS and No DOUBLE POSTING.
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Anyways this is the new OT Thread and this is for all your movie, gaming, music, television...etc discussions.
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