Honestly, this is a serious question, what is your problem with ROH? It's easy to know what's going on, and the storylines are simple. There's nothing complex about ROH angles and storylines, I think you're just making stuff. Plus, I think the commentators do a good job of explaining what is happening within ROH. I remember seeing my first DVD of ROH, and they explained it to me really well and I felt like as if I was following the company all along. Plus, ROH has Video Wire on their site and Youtube where you can see what's going on in the world of ROH. In fact, they uploaded a new one just today.
I am talking about the subject of thread, and therefore, sephy's response to my comments saying, and I quote, "ROH has always been about furthering angles online."
Also, in regards to the online stuff, as I have already said, I do not care - I want to be able to follow ROH from one show to another without any additional effort, same as I do with WWE and TNA. Granted, there stuff as of late is garabage, however, at least with their stuff, I am able to accomplish very goal in which I am talking about.
For the record, more than anything else, when I was refering to ROH as being "complex," in particular, I was mainly and especially talking about the likes of this thread's main subject.
You once called ROH kind of a spotfest. How? WSX was a spotfest, there is no way in hell ROH is close to what WSX did. Plus, most matches in ROH have slow paced starts and are structured very well leading up to a finish.
Just because ROH is not as bad WSX does not mean they are not spot-fest, in some kind of fashion.
In regards to what I am talking about, I am talking about the fact that from what I seen, at times, you willhaveparts in the match that move would normally force guy stay down in WWE, they will almost instantly recover in ROH. I am talking about all of the constant jumping and running. I am talking about how in almost every match, at times, you see sequence of several moves, without little to no break periods. I am talking about the fact moves that normally would be finishers another promotion are merely mid-matches move in ROH. I am talking about the fact that seems as if, at times, "everyone and their mom" (remember, quotes are there for reason) in ROH is able to kick-out of someone's finisher.
Now, if you enjoy your wrestling at faster pace or have wider range than I, I say "great," however, as I am concerned, I rather things be bit more "moderate."
For the record, also said in those same comments that my feelings may be due to unfamiliarity, that I am to use to how WWE is doing things and would be able to give much better review over the company once had chance to watch more of their shows. As far as I am concerned, in case it was not obvious, most of my comments about ROH should be taken with "grain of salt."
Also, going back to those comments, in case it was not already obvious, I do not hate ROH - merely, I do not love as everyone does. For me, at the moment, its decent. For whatever worth, I feel that to be huge improvement from what WWE and TNA are currently providing - or rather - what they are not providing.
In addition, for whatever it is worth, I think most of my major complaints, so far, have due with preference and unfamiliarity, two things which I feel have little due with problem on ROH's part.
In regards to my other problems with ROH:
- while it does apply to everyone, I simply feel as if too many of their guys have look is too similar and therefore, at times, I have difficult separating one guy from another, especially and mainly in regards to the attire lot of them have
- in particular, my problem with "Respect Is Earned" is that there was no clear definition between what where highlight package that were shown in the middle of the entrances and the entrance itself.
- could be due to my unfamiliarly with the product, however, I felt as if half matches from angle standpoint did not have enough of legit meaning for being there
Unlike my other complaints, I feel as if these have everything due with the product, and not necessarily problem on my end.
Furthermore, for whatever it is worth, beyond my last 3 points, I would say most everything I have said are issues which are very minor in comparison to good that ROH has provided. To be short to the point, all around, I would describe them as having "believability" and "quality wrestling."
Finally, while my feelings are true (most of them being from more minor standpoint), I thought I would merely throw them out there, in hopes of starting intelligent discussion that probably would have not otherwise have happened [seems as if it may have worked :P]
On side note, I will be first person to admit there is good chance that, in general, I am being over-criticial. Again, I blame that due to my unfamiarlity with the product, along with the fact I have been "brainwashed" by the WWE to follow their way sense my childhood --- come back to me 2 or 3 months from now. However, nonetheless, these are feelings I have (as they say, "feelings our feelings"), and such, I felt as if they should not be igrnored, regardless of the possible "errors" that may and probably are involved.
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