I dont know weather or not this has been discussed yet but what new things could be included on the next smackdown game?
- I thought of the idea of a mode where you can manage a certain superstar and decide what matches their in,publicity,title shots etc. stuff like that (think of when that guy was managing brock lesnar and then you'll see what im trying to say.
- When blood leaks it should stay on the mat (I dont like it how on SVR 2006 the blood dissappears after it goes on the mat) and blood shouldnt just stay on the face and chest it should go on the other wrestlers as well.
- season mode should have more choices for the player to make to there can be plenty of outcomes.
- Instead of having to add on stats to a wrestlers attributes,the wrestle should have to lift weights or go on a treadmill instead.
- In season mode you should be able to go around and talk to whoever you want and you must also watch your fatigue level and the season must last for about 5 years or something like that.
- you should be able to upload songs onto the console and then use them as your wrestles theme tune.
- Eddie Gurrero should be in the legends roster. (R.I.P Eddie)
- superstars should be able to be beaten to near death and almost to a point where at the end of the match you see wwe officials trying to hold your wrestler back.
- When you buy certain legends you should unlock a video of one of their most legendary matchs. (buy Andre the Giant and get Andre the Giant vs. Hulk hogan at Wrestlemania 3 free!)
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