Well before I get to who I think has been getting a great push, I must say that I think even Champion can syill get pushes right?!?
So any way:
Chris Jericho: Jericho has been getting a great push with where he started (when he came back that is), facing JBL in his first big fued and now ir has come from that to him being WWE World Heavyweight Champion Vs. Shawn Michaels, I mean what are they going to do next, for him have him beat THe Undertaker at Wrestlemania Jericho is such on fire right now there is no one not even Batista that can Stop Him.
Matt Hardy: Matt Hardy is someone else that has been getting great pushes, I mean look at all the gold theat he has held ever since the Draft, he was the Current US Champion, and now is the ECW Champion, I think that has to count for something am I right, Matt has also been really Impressive in the ring lately too, and when that Smackdown Special hjappens and it's Jericho Vs. Matt Hardy Vs. HHH, iy is going to be good to Great.
and now jumping brands.
Samoa Joe: Joe has been someone that WWE wanjts so bad but TNA know if they can somehow keep Joe, in TNA then they will still have a great shot at taking more WWE talent, also I like how TNA has Joe Vs. Sting and we all think that Sting is going to win but with this being thier Wrestlemania then I could see Joe winning and holding it for a year, or so or even until TNA fans get sick of him.
Team 3D: Team 3D is a greeat tag team, and hopefully everyone know that by now they are better then Edge and Christain Better then the Hardyz, they are even better then alot of alot of other team too, but I do see them come up and winning the TNA Tag Team Championship again very, very soon.
and now back to WWE.
Shelton Benjamin: WWE wants to push him so bad but all that they can give him so far is the IC Championship, and the US Championship, but Shelton is a great superstar, and hopefully this coming year in 2009 will look beeter for him, but I must say that there is something shelton has and that is talent.
and last but not least Evan Broune: Evan can fight with the best of them he has to be getting a push that some of the other past WWE Cuperstars wish they could of gotten, Evan can do it all, he is has really Impressied me, and other then that, Evan Broune is the last on.
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