Even for a show with so very little in the way of quality wrestling, this was a very entertaining and well put together episode of Raw.
The opening promo battle was quite good, even if I am thoroghly annoyed at WWE pushing this "traditional vs new age" BS for why Cena gets torn apart by the crowd a growing majority of the time. Edge adds a lot to the mix and hopefully stays in the mix and gets into the inevitable Backlash match. Edge also looked like he deserved a medal for even showing up to work tonight. His verbal exchange with Triple H was tremendous as both men out-zinged each other. Edge proved he belongs in the mix... again. I do think WWE totally blew an opportunity to elevate RVD into the mix by having him interrupt Edge when Edge talked about winning at Mania, being undefeated at Mania and stealing the show, because all those things could apply to RVD, as well. However, it seems understandable for WWE to keep him far away from Cena for the time being.
The Spirit Squad is the new Tag Team Champions (those titles seem to be your consolation prize for signing a WWE contract, these days). Its not like Kane and Show were doing anything with them. However, the way Big Show went down was pretty anti-climatic. There was really no way that what he took should have kept him down for three. Meh, the Spirit Squad has really grown on me, they play the crappy gimmick so obnoxiously that it actually works and they really look to have some potential. However, they could really use some worthy face competition... Also, hasn't Michaels single-handidly decimated the Squad a couple of times? Sorry, I keep trying to look at the positives and these things just keep popping up.
RVD's promo was decent and has more or less made his MITB II RVD's Royal Rumble and has set up ECW One Night Stand II as his Wrestlemania. I don't see how, regardless of who is the champion, WWE could justify not giving RVD the moment he so richly deserves. His promo was certainly better than a match with Snitzky, Tomko or Goldust. I still think RVD should have gotten involved in the main event mix at the start and WWE blew an opportunity. RVD is, sort of, the Anti-Cena and, at this point, I really think RVD is the guy that should dethrone Cena.
I'm not sure I can buy into Carlito as a face, but I really enjoyed him finally turning on Masters. I'll see how this plays out.
Dammit, I thought, for a second, that McMahon-Michaels was finally over, but sadly no. However, their segment tonight was so bad that it had me in hysterics. I, seriously, find McMahon actually booking himself in a match with God too amusing to complain about. Man, I hope I don't get struck by lightning for saying that. Also, Shane's expression when Vince referred to Shane as the "product of his semen" was priceless. Vince is really making a strong effort for Wrestlecrap's Go0ker Award.
Mickie James continues to be a highlight and now, if you squint, you can't tell her and Trish apart. The match itself was terrible for the vast majority of its 27 seconds.
Even though its more exploitation, I enjoyed the Chavo segment, match, and follow-up and has me sort of interested, if a little apprehensive of where its going. Chavo's breakdown was extremely well-played and got to me a little. If all this leads to the return of Kerwin White, I'm going to be pissed.
I really hope Samoa Joe was watching, because he got a glimpse of what that WWE Contract he turned down in favor of TNA had in store for him with the debut of Meng Version 2, played by Jamal. Flair should have been used to put over Punk, not the former Jamal and I really think WWE would have been better off reviving 3 Minute Warning.
For a second, I thought Cena was going to beat both of his challengers in a handicap match... again. I'll admit, even I marked out a little for Trips when he interrupted the 5 Knuckle Shuffle for the Pedigree. However, is Trips really going to be the only guy on the roster with 2 different entrance themes? Give me a freakin break! Solid enough main event. Again, Edge deserves a medal for showing up to work today.
Again, I enjoyed this show about as much as any Raw I can remember for quite a while. It managed to set up the future while putting over Wrestlemania to sell some replays and was pretty effective at both. I still wish there was more RVD.
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