We should really turn this into a game. You get two picks of anyone you like. If your first pick wins the royal rumble it counts as 5 points and if your second pick wins the royal rumble its 5 points. However if your first pick won and your second pick was last eliminated you gain an additional 3 points. While if your second pick won the royal rumble but your first pick was last eliminated you gain an additional 2 points.
Now if your first pick won the royal rumble and your second pick was eliminated in the final 5 you gain no additional points but if your second pick wins the royal rumble and your first pick was in the final 5 you gain an additional point. I swear it makes sense. Here is the easy way to work it out.
First pick wins = 5 points
Second pick wins = 5 points
First pick last eliminated = 2 points
Second pick last eliminated = 3 points
First Pick eliminated in the final 5 = 1 point
Second Pick eliminated in the final 5 = 0 point
It'll be a fun little thing to do though. If you can work the game out that is.
EDIT: I realised I put this in the wrong thread but once again if you don't understand the game then just pick two winners and make sure you specify which is your first pick and which is your second. I'll work out the scores at the end.
Also as a side note the more people that play then the more I'll stop complaining about the attitude era ;)
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