Ranking on the list. I don't mind them being in the Top 10, but, IMO, they are bottom 5 of the list, not Top 5. IMO, the tag division of the 80s-early 90s was far more competitive and important than in the Hardys-E and C days. Both of those teams may have more tag team title reigns than a team like the Harts, Bulldogs or Rockers, but I am far more impressed by the work of the latter teams. Had the booking philosophy been in the Harts-Rockers-Demolition time what it had been for the EC, Duds and Hardys, they'd all have like 37 title reigns, too.
Pft... for my money, doing what must have been, literally, 37 title changes between Dudleyz, Hardz and E and C is part of the reason why the belts meaningless these days. I just stop caring at one point, because, at most, I knew someone else was going to be tag champions in month's time, if that.
That, and who really gives **** if the Hardy Boyz held the belt on different several occasions, if the same could be said for just about every major tag-team in the Attitude Era. Sad part is that I am saying this as Hardy Boyz mark.
Hell, even Kane, guy who does not even belong in the division, I think, is at the very least, former 5-time tag-team champion.
With that being said, I swear, in the Attitude Era, seems as if everyone and their mom had "accomplish" of being former tag-team champion under their belt.
To certain degree, same could be said for the IC title.
Beyond that, also did not exactly help matters, either, that for about year or two, I must have seen 100 matches from the trio and needless to say, if that is not formula for complete over-kill, I am not sure what is.
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