There are 4 opening rounds as shown in the above brackets table. The winners of each opening round advance to the semi-finals and battle against their corresponding side opponents. Once the winners of those two battles have been determined, the winners will face off in the final round and the winners of that match will both be officially crowned as WWEv World GFX Tag Team Champions along with being crowned the winners of TTT v1.
You will be given 2 weeks to perfect ONE ENTRY created by the co-operation of each TAG TEAM. You will have to communicate with your tag team partner via PM or MSN and will have to decide on who is in control of the BG, renders, text...etc. The entry MUST be 400 by 400 and will be based on the specific theme mentioned in each round.
Once your entry has been finished, one member of each tag team should post it along with a note of their partner's username and also tag team name. Each entry must be submitted by the due deadline otherwise your team gets eliminated and your opponents get a free pass to the next round.
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