[QUOTE="Invisible_Kid2"][QUOTE="riseagainst1"][QUOTE="Despirano"][QUOTE="riseagainst1"][QUOTE="Despirano"][QUOTE="FlamesFan2"] [QUOTE="Despirano"]I still do but there was a time when i liked him, back when his character was cool to watch until the fans liked him and he began changing into some hero FlamesFan2
Wait, so you don't like him because he turned face? What?
OMG How stupid are u idiots, just let it go, besides why do0es it matter why i dont like him, its actually none of your business, ppls character slowly change when they become face, and as for his i dont like not one bit, same with carlito when he went face, even randy same thing, its not all the same, its just when i like a character i dont want them to change and he did thats the first reason i started hating him, its not john cena the man, its john cena the character, everyone in wwe does what thyre told to do and we have our rights to like and hate whoever we want, why cant we just leave it at that
You're just adding fire to the flame. If you hate Cena so much, give me five legit reasons.
First off I dont have to give you sh!t okay, 2ndly because Im so sweet i'll give them to you and if you dont approve i can care less.
1. His character
2. The way he wrestles
3. His fanfare
4. the fact that he keeps coming back
5. He hasnt gone heel yet
No if you dont approve i dont care, i have every right to hate him, there is no boss or judge here, as JR said "the fans have the right to boo and cheer whoever they want, the wrestlers are entertainers, we dont HAVE to like them or neither do we have to hate them..Kayfabe or not, but the thing is, its not just cena that i have this extreme hate for its been many superstars throughout history. but usually its the wrestler character (gimmick) and fan response that i like/dont like and the more it goes on the more i hate it, like ppl that hate ECW
For #1, it's a gimmick. He only does this because he is told so. It is his character. It makes WWE money.
For #2, one could sum it up that you also hate Triple H, the Rock, Steve Austin, Bret Hart, HBK, Orton, etc. since they wrestle the same way he does
For #3, look back at #1. Children love his gimmick, therefore it earns merchandise. Merch = $$$.
For #4, I could say the same for any Attitude era wrestler, and a few of the old ECW wrestlers. If I used the same reason for any of the old ECW wrestlers, however, you would blindly defend them.
For #5, this relates to #1 and 3. It wouldn't fit with his character.
#1- so, she and everyone else who dosnt like cena SHOULD like him because he makes wwe money??? wtf?
#2- those people you mentioned have actual wrestling talent. especially hhh, hart, hbk, and rock. cena is more of a hogan. cant wrestle to save his life, but for some reason (be it the gimmick and timing match up, or what) he just has "it". those people can actually hold peoples attention. they can put on great matches with almost anyone. cena cant. and if he does, its usualy because of the other person drawing heat. honestly, whats your next post gonna be? "cena >>>>>>>>>>>hogan, angle, harley race, wwe, tna, nwa, mpw, roh, any org"
#3- his fans are little kids and women who think he's hot, and like the way he dress' and acts because its whats hot right now. like i said in one of my earlier posts, i dont like him because of the rap thing, with the new age crap.
#4- i dont think i've seen tommy dreamer come back from an injury the way cena has. or sabu, or raven, or spike dudley, or justin credible, or lance storm, or mike awesome or any ecw wrestler come back like he has. and honestly, when has stone cold came back, or mick foley came back and been directly in the hunt for the title? they've been in a few on air skits, maybe a match or 2 and thats it.
#5- look at the last champs. they've gone from heel to face, and face to heel. cena's made the change like once.
your counter reasons arnt that good sir. but again, everything on here is opinion. and i still ask, why are you trying to change someones opinion about this? are you getting some kind of extra pay from it or somthing?
#1. riseagainst is saying you shouldn't hate Cena because of his gimmick because it's not his choice.
#2. Cena is not the greatest wrestler of all time but to say he has no talent is just blind hating and ignoring all of the great performances and matches he's had. How many MOTYC does he need to have to get some respect. It's like no matter how well he does and no matter how many good matches he has people still say, "Yeah that was a good match but he still sucks".
#3. His fans are not all kids and women. I'm a fan of his and I'm neither and I know there are many more like that. Honestly there are probably alot of people who just hate him because it's the cool thing to do. To go along with the other fans "mob mentality" and such. At the Royal Rumble for instance when Cena's music hit, the pop was HUGE then when it was down to him and HHH it's like the fans realized that booing Cena was the cool thing to do and so that's what they did.
#4. It makes sense for Cena to come back and directly go for a title because he never actually lost it. He has unfinished business with Orton and that's why he's immediatly back going for the title. It makes sense from a storyline perspective.
#5. Honestly even though a heel Cena could be awesome, he sells a s***load of merchandise so it might not be such a good idea as WWE won't be selling as much Cena shirts and such. And the last champions? Orton's been a heel forever except for one failed face turn. RVD has always been a face in WWE. Austin was always a face before his big heel turn at WM X-7 and even then he was still getting some cheers. Michaels has been a face since returning. Cena's not the only one who is the same like that for a long time.
1. dont give a fuk about why you guys think i should hate cena, i mean alot of ppl hate eugenes character so then what? they dont have that right to hate him...rediculous.
2. Well too me some parts of a wrestler outshines others, for instance his over the top character and wanna be hero and all that crap overshadows his wrestling ability for me, and makes me uninterested in watching his matches (as I said makes ME, not anyone else uninterested)
3. I disagree aboujt the siding thing especially @RR ppl popped in shock, its like how ppl cheered for edge when he surprised and beat cena then the fans booed him almost directly after, i mean some do side with ppl, its normal, it happens, but it can be said the other way, when idiots cheer cena, others copy too, so that can be argued both ways. Oh anbout the RR with HHH maybe there were alot more HHH fans than cena fans, of course the boos will win.
4. About the title that makes sense seeing as how he never lost it.
5.Bad examples seeing as how when austin firsst entered WWF after the ecw fallout he was a heel, the fans made him face when he started punking bret hart, then he went face for a long timw tilll wm17 the betrayel then he went face till he turned heel with the alliance then face again, hes had plenty of turns, same for micheals and yes he was heel once after he returned but in his golden years he had different turns. As for orton, he was a great heel but he started as face then went heel with evo, then face after betrayel then heel after challenging taker, thats 3 turns each...Now Cena, lets see he started out in wwe as the face ruthless aggression kid then quickly went heel as white rapper for almost a year or so then became face and stayed face even though his ass got boring and booed by the very same fans he was defending and fighting for and there were ruff times in which the fans made him the heel yet wwe remained seeing him as the face its just BS and the fans feel like WWE isnt listening to them. So career wise Cena has had the longest and most controversial Face in wwe in his time and career
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