On Wednesday, received a call from the Voodoo Kin Mafia, who wanted to let the wrestling world know that they are publicly accepting the open challenge to face Matt and Jeff Hardy this Sunday night.
Although the open challenge was answered on their Monday night program by another tag team, BG and Kip would like to also accept the challenge to make it a three-way match.
According to BG, they will agree to compete in the bout under one condition – that the competition must cease and desist all “Dumb to the Xtreme” television skits effective immediately - and this must be verified by a signed and notarized legal document.
In turn, The Voodoo Kin Mafia will agree not to air their footage this Thursday night on “iMPACT!” on SpikeTV.
“You know Vince – a funny thing happened on Monday afternoon on your website when we were watching your little online press conference,” BG James said. “When the Hardys made the open challenge, I couldn’t help but hear the fans chanting ‘VKM’. Some other tag team may have accepted it, but it’s still an open challenge and the Voodoo Kin Mafia want in the match – so let’s make it a three-way. You have until this Thursday night before ‘iMPACT!’ goes on the air to give us an answer.”
The Voodoo Kin Mafia await a response from the WWE regarding the acceptance of the open challenge….
The rest is in the link. A small part of the video is also there so check it out.
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