*"Don't Mess with the Original" is playing as Raw comes back from commercial. Spidey is standing in the middle of the ring with the WOTU Championship over his shoulder and the GWF Championship around his waist. He is wearing his "Don't Mess with the Original" t-Shirt, and pants. Spidey then raises his signature mic up to his mouth as he begins to talk*
Spidey: Hello Kansas City! Honestly, I hate this town, I've been here too many times, and I've been bored every single time. So glad tomorrow's Smackdown taping are in my home state of Nebraska. It may take place in Omaha, a town in which I hate even more than Kansas City, but who cares! I'm going to put that all aside though, and talk about some serious issues. I've gone through pretty much the whole roster, defending my WOTU Championship, and not a single person has beaten me. I don't want the title, truly, I don't, yet for some reason I come out to this ring and give it my all, and I walk out the winner. As GM, it makes it seem like I'm abusing my powers to keep the belt, but the truth is everyone in the company just sucks. Woo Woo Woo, You Know I...
*Just then, No more words hits, as Gamerguy steps out onto the stage and makes his way to the ring as the camera zooms we see he is sporting an alex riley say it to my face shirt due to the fact that spidey is not a fan of alex riley*
cole: how dare he interupt our wonderful gm what is wrong with gamerguy ?
lawler: nothing its just spideynerd is a meathead
gamer: spidey i would love to come out here and congratulate you on defeating joecmark and holding on to your title and i would love to agree with you that you have beaten everybody in WOTU but i cant
*crowd cheers*
gamer: POP QUIZ who havent you faced yet here in WOTU ?
gamer: who if you do happen to face will probably beat you ?
gamerguy: got anything *bobs his head side to side* anything? huh? huh? ill tell you its
*Gamerguy pauses to let the crowd respond to his catchphrase, but Spidey takes the opportunity to get something in*
Spidey: Gamerboy, I made the match for TNA Against All Odds for a reason. You have a WOTU Championship shot that you earned fair and square, but I might not be champion when you get the match, so I decided to give the fans what they wanted. You vs. Me, non-title. You say you can beat me though, I have a problem with that one... If no one else could beat me, what makes you think you will be the one to bring me to reality? I mean let's be real here, this is a TNA PPV, and it is non-title, I don't care if I win or lose. The match may mean something to you, but I only booked it because I'm Mr. Excitment now. I...
Gamerguy is tired of listening to Spidey, and jumps him. This starts a brawl between the two as they start trading punches and the brawl spills to the outside of the ring and into the crowd where security led by D-lo Brown comes out to seperate the two
*segment ends we go to commercial*
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