WWE Tough Enough Airs: 8pm Eastern/7pm CT (Right before Monday Night Raw)
Save for Tough Enough preview each week, check the last page of this thread for the latest Tough Enough preview to discuss, look out for "Preview for *date here* on last page of thread" on the title topic mentioning the newest preview had been made. The newest Tough Enough preview will be done the earliest by Saturday each week.
After Monday Night Raw each week at around 11:15pm eastern, you can watch an online talk show discussing this week's episode of Tough Enough featuring former WWE Divas; Torrie Wilson, Lilian Garcia, & Candice Michelle. You can find the site here
*Killerband is in charge of posting the Tough Enough previews and Spideynerd is in charge of posting the results*
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Booker T
Trish Stratus
Bill DeMott
Andy Leavine
Luke Robinson
Ariane Andrew
Matt Capiccioni
Michelle Deighton
Michael Zacki
Rima Fakih
Ryan Howe
Ivelisse Velez
Eric Watts
Martin Casaus
Christina Crawford
AJ Kirsch
Jeremiah Riggs
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