i just ordered some used games from EBgames online, and i was wondering, for those of you who have done it before... are the games usually with the cases/ manuals or justĀ the discs? Also, are the cases covered in sticker residue?
Btw i only paid $15.86 for theseĀ games (i used a code for 25% off used games) including shipping:
Elder scrolls III, Top Spin/ NCAA 2005, Jet set Radio Future/ Sega GT 2002, Splinter Cell (first one), and mechassault.
I just bought my first xbox from my friend last week for $80, and i am very pleased with it. ( Even though i screwed it up when trying to FTP to it and unmod it. I put the wrong files on the C drive, apparently, and now my only option is to Hotswap)
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