why didnt you put platformers on the poll? i really like pyschonauts im playing it right now very fun i think its the best platformer on the Xbox but im not sure what my favorite genre is there arent alot of platformers on xbox i guess shooters cause thats pretty much all they have on the system.
does ninja gaiden falll into the beatemup catagory? but yes it looks like we all like killing things or talking about it then killing it. And i also agree that platformers should be on there. like Rachet and Clank? maybe its a blaster too, but its the nuts
LOL. I went with beat em' up.....only cause "Party" was not a choice....but I was still the first and only 1 to vote for it. Sorry guys...didn;t care for halo all that much. Halo 2 was better but still average. I prefer my shooters...rail style. Lethal Enforcer, Area 51 (original), etc.
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