[QUOTE="JoshuaOlson"]Maybe the answer is to be a videogame pack rat. There are so many games that I should have kept. Also I don't like Gamestop either, I've only once dealt with a guy that was likable at Gamestop. Most of the employees seem to have egos that are incompatible with the post of shopkeep. They talk of their opinions as though they are doctrine and act like they are doing you a big favor by pausing their conversation with their fellow celibate about the intricacies of World of Warcraft to come and take your money at the cash register, even though the most senior gamers on staff are PS1 generation. One time this guy Jeremy felt compelled to tell me what a terrible game (Silent Hill 2) I was buying. I asked what was so wrong with it and he let me know that the controls were terrible, as if anyone who has played through a silent hill or traditional style resident evil game isn't aware of the sketchiness of their controls. I told him that the game is compelling enough that people adapt to the controls and that they also added to the challenge. At this he stood mute because he was a f***ing retard and he knew it. I think that he is used to people acting like they give a good god d*** what he thinks because he is used to little kids that are easy targets for his condescending comments.
The point isn't even the controls or the game, why would you put down a customer's purchase? Why does gamestop hire these little douchebags who haven't played a system before Xbox and have no regard for the history of the industry?
But I still don't exactly hate gamestop I more or less hate their employees though.
That sucks, but there are an EB Games and Gamestop right next to each other in the same shopping center near my house and most of the guys in both of them are pretty nice actually. Also I agree with the pack rat thing, I NEVER trade anything in anymore and lately I've been going back and getting great games I missed for $5 or less. That will all change after I buy a Wii and 360 this summer though, 50 hours a week sucks, especially during your summer when you're 15, but damn it's good money when you make7.25 an hour and 10.87 for overtime. :P
I agree with what you are saying totally. I grew up in the 80s, so I learned from trading in my old genesis games years ago. Places like Gamestop, Game crazy, gamers, etc will never give you a good amt of money on a trade in. They want to make as much profit as possible. For example, if a game is worth $40 new, they will probably give you less than 10 for your used copy. I figure its better to just keep the game. But on the other hand, I'm glad there are people trading in their old games (and getting ripped off). Because I can buy used xbox/ps2 games for less than $10 alot of the time.
and i dont really ever talk to the people that work at those places. I have gamespot to give me reviews, i dont need the opinion of an employee in a game store. and why the heck would they ever say any game they sell is NOT good? Thats not smart business.
oh by the way 7.25hr (10.87ot) is good money for a 15yr old ( i think when i was 16 i made like $6hr), but wait til you have some bills to pay. I make 15hr now (22.50ot) but its expensive having a house, utilities, and a car payment.
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