[QUOTE="truetilldeath"]Yeah its called, buy a 360 like the rest of the world.meconate
You're called rude. If the guy wants to keep his Xbox, let him do it. Not everybody can afford a 360 or maybe he's not the type who feels he NEEDS to buy the next gen console. You should respect that. Anyway 'Fuzzman38' I had that problem, the only way i could fix it was to open the Xbox and carefully clean my laser. It's risky but i had no problems afterwards. If you attempt this, im not responsible for anything that happens, im simply saying thats how it worked for me. Here's a way to clean your laser: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7VZIOWlNq78&feature=related
You mean that if the TC should buy a 360, the new console won't repair his big brother when it gets home? Oh man, what a drag.Please Log In to post.
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