Basicly I want to play Ninja Gaiden and need an xbox to do it. There might be other games on the xbox I have missed tho?
I get the impression emulation on the 360 is good enough. And there are more games on the 360 I really want to play. So should I go for the 360? It's "only" about 500$ more for the elite if I import it...
I'd only recommend picking up the original if you also intend to get the 360 with it. If this is a one or the other question, which it looks like it is, then go with the 360.
The old Xbox has plenty of classics on it that may or may not work on the 360. I have kept mine plugged in just because I am not sure if some will run on my 360, and because I like the idea of having all my Xbox game saves on the original Xbox's HD. I'm a huge fan of playing games on their original format. I can't bring myself to ever buy any VC games on the Wii since I can just buy the original and play them on the old system.
If you do go with the Xbox instead of the 360, consider that you may not have the big WOW factor for some games that cause one back when they first released. Many of the classic games are starting to look dated to the point of being distracting, but they still play terrificaly.
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