I think the stupidest game from xbox would have to be any sims games
Grabbed by the Ghoulies was one of the worst game I have played on the X-box. So was Gunvalkyire. The controls would have been nice to customize more than what they let you. If it wasnt for the crappy controls, it wouldnt have been that bad.
Fuzion Frenzy is stupid, but fun to play with your friends for a few hours.
Star Wars : Clone Wars. Horrible.WSGRandomPerson
I actually liked that game. It was one of my first Xbox games, and I had several hours of fun with it.
I bought Drake of the 99 Dragons just to see how bad it is. I haven't played it yet, but I can't wait. Sometimes games are so bad they're fun to play just to enjoy how bad they are. garey017
I thought so too till I played aquaman. That game is just plain bad. And not in a "game so bad its fun" type of way.
Another game I hated was Jet Set Radio Future. I know it's popular, and it does have great graphics and good gameplay, but something about that just annoyed the hell out of me. It's one of those games I feel dumber for playing.
What about Trigger Man? Holy crap was that bad. I played iton the PS2, but I'm assuming the XBox wasno better. That's one of those games that you won't even use as a drink coaster because when you see it sitting on your coffee table you'll get pissed off just looking at it.
Call of Cthulhu.
not only is it hard to say, but its hard to play.
i spent an hour or two on a puzzle and it turned out that i had the keyes to a door all along, but you had to pull up the stupid item screen.... GAWD!
2 hours of my life i will never get back.
There are a fair amount of games that you have to access things like that through the inventory screen...
Shenmue 2fudger2
Really? I just got it, but I haven't played it yet. I heard it was supposed to be really good...
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