what was the last game that you bought for your xbox?
mine was dreamfall
Good game! Mine was today, i got 4 for £20, so i picked up: Mortal Kombat: Deception Metal Slug 4 Project Gothem Racing 2 Urban Chaos: Riot ResponselIt was Def Jam Vendetta : Fight For New York.
Splinter Cell (awesome)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (even better than splinter cell)
Mechassault (an old game, but still very good)
Dead or Alive 3 (my first DOA game, and I love it!)
All for about 16 dollars.
pro bass fishing, i found it used for 4.99. i don't know anything about fishing, but the chick on the box was hot & the game is super addictive.
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