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Thats really funny, i thought i was a loner. I got this same problem with E 74 after my screen started getting little white flashes of dots everywhere. So i restarted my xbox and the one red light came up with the error message. When i took everything off except the power plug the xbox worked without the red light coming on. So i did some research and i called xbox and i found some things. It is an error in the internal xbox with some of the wires and connectivity issues. The xbox is permanitley brocken untill you send it back. The Warranty will cover for this. But what i have been doing in order to keep my xbox till and a little bit after christmas will be explained in the falling steps. - it is only a temporary solution.
1. You take off your hard drive to prevent it from being brocken but you leave in all the other cords. (USB doesn't matter)
2. You turn on the xbox so the error code comes up than you wrap the xbox completly in a blanket so that it overheats. Come back in 30 minutes and you should have two red lights instead of one meaning the console overheated. This is not a problem and the xbox will be fine. Put back in your hardrive and you will be able to play for the next couple of days till you have to do it again.
3. Remember this is a temporary solution and it causes no harm to the xbox. The reason why it works is because it heats up the metal inside and it lets everything pass the electricty through easier while its hot. Thats why you have to do it again in a few days. I recommend still calling xbox and getting your return information for the future to get it permanitley fixed. No- Problem Mattbrw08
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