Yeah I was wondering how does it work. (THEY SAY YOU MUST BUY FROM THEIR IN GAME ONLINE SHOP)
Not from the xbox dashboard... Coz it might mess up.
How does the Season Pass work ?
For I.E. :
I buy it for 1200 MSP.
What do I get? How much %OFF?
Skarlett costs 400 normally... so after Season Pass its 200?
If yes...
and IF ALL NEW Characters will cost 400MSP...
Then my money will "come back" after 6 character (1200 : 6 = 200) If 400 character after season pass costs 200 ofcourse..
but maan its messed up...
Season Pass is Pointless
if you read it you would know the answers allreadyits 1200 points you get all 4 characters which you have to download from the in game "store" when they release skarlet is out now kenshi and rain should both be out in july ( same time or one early july the other late july ) and a 4th as of yet unknown character who will be out in august or september
each character is 400 points if bought on their own, so if you buy the pass (1200 points) you will be getting 3 characters for the price of one, also each comes with 2 skins for other fighters, skarlet comes with a umk3 skin for both sektor and cyrax, kenshi looks to come with a klassic ninja skin for smoke and noob saibot, the others arent known yet ( atleast i havent seen them)
I haven't read it... So u can enlighten me Mr. Knowledge :D
But ... IF one char is 400.
3 characters for price of 1 ? you say...
3 chars 400 msp. (cos scarlett costs 400)
And whats with other 800 MSP? (1200 - 400 (those 3 in 1 pack as u mentioned)
We got 800 msp left ?
Someting is wrong Mr. Knowledge.
Its a rip off! :D what the hell are you talking about, what other 800 points, where are you getting this from?if you buy one character you have to pay 400 points for them, so if you buy all 4 characters by themselves without the pass you are spending 1600 points, if you buy the pass then you get all 4 for 1200 points whats so hard to understand about that?
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