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they look decent but they also look exactly the same. Even their inventoriesreservoir_doggythey're made by 2 teams from the same company ... you can say the same exact thing about (although they are much more simpiler games) doom 3 and quake 4... but atleast its a console game that doesnt dumb down things like dx2 or what not.
[QUOTE="reservoir_doggy"]they look decent but they also look exactly the same. Even their inventoriesJCxDentonthey're made by 2 teams from the same company ... you can say the same exact thing about (although they are much more simpiler games) doom 3 and quake 4... but atleast its a console game that doesnt dumb down things like dx2 or what not.
Those didnt turn out to be fantastic goty's now did they. Variety and innovation are what make games stick out. If the same company releases games they look almost identical to eachother that won't look very good on them will it. Hell capcom worked on dead rising and lost planet at the same time but they look and feel completely different
One problem though is that the gun sounds are really generic. Also I think this game would would work really well as an MMOHeistenfaustwell...if you listoned to the gun that was being used in the white gold trailers torwards the middle(the m16 carbine) it fires and reloads exactly like that.(we had to fire them in the army) did anyone notice the shrink ray in the space one?(come get...some?)
I dunno why but white gold or whatever reminds me of Just Cause in a way.........and well that game sucked. :(xfactor19990yeah very similar in the enviroment and graphics and also story looked sort of similar
MGS4 AND FF13 WOO....nahwow that looks realy good
how about something different
So ....take far cry,gta, and oblivion ...and then make them have sex
the game is called White Gold.
a trailer can be found here
and now ..take mass effect,oblivion,and halo....make them have unprotected sex..
and the second game is called
The Precursors
the games are both made by the same developer...although its made by 2 different teams.
if you have played as many games...and have seen as many trailers as me...
you can kinda "tell" how a game plays by seeing trailers with game-play shown....
and for looks like 2 awesome 100+ hour games...
and don't be fooled by the "just cause" music at the beginning of the White Gold trailer....
just cause was last gen leftovers brought to 360 via a microwave .
They're pretty interesting looking games. They don't like like they'll be able to compare with something like Oblivion in terms of production value. There's something about that makes them seem a little unpolished and almost... amateur. i.e. the poor sound effects, the awfull plain looking menus and underwhelming looking combat.
It's weird how they're working on 2 games though. Like others have said they look pretty simillar, no doubt run off the same engine and also seem to share the exact same menu and items systems etc. I think with games that are trying to be this a,bitious it would probably be better if they just worked on one game collectively.
They do look interesting though. Thanks for drawing our attention to them. Like I say I don't think they'll be anywhere near the league of something Oblivion but if they manage to make the core mechanics and gameplay interesting enough then I'd be more than willing to make compensations and put up with the slightly budget feel that they have. Overall they look quite promising.
they're made by 2 teams from the same company ... you can say the same exact thing about (although they are much more simpiler games) doom 3 and quake 4... but atleast its a console game that doesnt dumb down things like dx2 or what not.[QUOTE="JCxDenton"][QUOTE="reservoir_doggy"]they look decent but they also look exactly the same. Even their inventoriesreservoir_doggy
Those didnt turn out to be fantastic goty's now did they. Variety and innovation are what make games stick out. If the same company releases games they look almost identical to eachother that won't look very good on them will it. Hell capcom worked on dead rising and lost planet at the same time but they look and feel completely different
Yeah, they also worked on DMC and RE too, which are almost exactly alike in many ways, and you dont hear people complaining about them. If the games look good, who cares if they have similar features and the same inventory system.
One things concerns me though, it said coming soon, and the character models and animations were both horrible, I hope they have enough time to optimize them, cause they both look like awesome games.
Ahhhh it's the same developers that made Boiling Point. I knew they reminded me of that game but I coudn't remember the title. Boiling Point was actually pretty damn good (On paper.) The only problem was that it was glitched and broken to hell. As long as they spend extra time making sure everything works properly and runds as it should then these could be very good games. I guess they must have learned their lesson after what happened to Boiling Point. Tamashii-sosaku
Oooh the boiling point devs. That game was a pretty fun game with a GTA+Far Cry feel. I played the European version so there weren't that many bugs, but i heard that the US version was glitchy.
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