[QUOTE="Endgame_basic"][QUOTE="whoody12"] I always have been a PC gamer, so im kinda new too all these TV resolutions ( damn they are low :P)
so, im looking for a good HDTV for arround 500 euro ( 676.90 dollar)
and I need too know how much the new "elite" ? will be released in europe, and how many it will cost
thanks in advance
a poor PC gamer
1st off, if you spent a little, or maybe a lot more and got a 1080p tv (1920x1080) than you would most likely be runnign at a higher res than your pc..... =)
As for a good tv for that price, take a look in your area for either Samsung, Panasonic, Sharp, or Sony and see what you can find in that price range. Often, last seasons tv's will go down in price just before the "new" tvs come in so perhaps you can find a ncie deal. You're probably going to have to stick to the 27 inch range for that price though
wel, thats fine for me, for HD gaming I have my PC, but I will not be upgrading it anymore so I need a 360
720P is enough for me, and another thing, what games will amuse me in MP on live ?
 Well, I'm a longtime pc gamer as well and I must admit I find ity hard to play console fps's on live, no matter how good they are. The control just isn't there when you're used to mouse and keyboard. that beign said, my favorite games online are GRAW 2 co-op, Gears of War co-op, Heavy Assault (XBLA game), Test Drive Unlimited, and a few others.
I think you'll find Xbox live is very well conceived comming from a pc background. If you like sports or racign games, than xbox live surpasses pc online in most respects, it just works wonderfully in most cases.
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