Okay, I know that this is associated with overheating, but I'm not sure if that's my problem or not. Here's what happened. I turned my 360 on this morning, in the basement, so it's not hot at all. Then I started my game, but I chose the wrong profile by accident that did not have a avatar made. Not sure if that is related at all, but all of a sudden my 360's fans started going crazy. I turned it off and tried an hour or so later. When I turn it on the fans go crazy and nothing but two red lights flash. It is not hot at all, but is it still overheating?
The console doesn't need to be hot to the touch in order for it to be overheating. Two red lights generally means the thermal paste has dried out, there is a problem with the heat sink, or there is too much dust clogging reducing air flow and thus making the console hotter inside than it should be. My old Xbox went this way and it was never hot. It would flash two red lights after a couple of hours of play, and generally the space of time between the red lights decreases to the point where it will 'overheat' within a few minutes or even seconds of turning it on. If it happens again the chances are it's a problem that isn't going to go away.
two means overheating. the crappy thing is you might have to completely void your warranty and open it up and clean the fan! D= it's real easy though, just google "how to clean xbox 360 inside" and it will have pictures how to do it safely! =D you'd be surprised how many dustmites and other junk gets stuck in there.
vacuum the back grillof the xbox and see what that does, my friend did when he got 2 red lights and it worked11, he also did it to his ps2 when that broke, it worked!!
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