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if they put a fee on the regular 360s by upgrading them with the chipsets then yes, but i highly doubt it.
IDK about sending your 360 in, they may charge a labor fee, but it will probably be for free
[QUOTE="jtparsons54"]Same ole same ole. I was going to get one but I decided to wait till they start putting in the new chipset.Cyborg-21
When are they using the new chipset ?
i think they will start putting them in next month but wont tell any1 so they can turn a profit on the cheaper chipset untill they are ready for a price dropSame ole same ole. I was going to get one but I decided to wait till they start putting in the new chipset.jtparsons54
when they put the new chipset in they will just find new problems with that one aswell.... because it will be new... like when the 360 first came out.
The Elite is not actually "the same ole'"
It sports a different revision of the CPU, GPU and Motherboard that are a newer design over the Premiums and Core. This has led to a slightly lower power consumption and lower heat than the other 2 sku's. This has been reported by all of the tech sites that did tear downs of the Elite when it first came out. The Elite does in fact run cooler and seem to be more reliable due to these upgrades.
It still doesn't have the 65nm chips yet - but it does have newer version of the 90nm ones.
Here is a quote and a link (like I said we do now know they aren't the 65nm chips - but still newer revisions):
"Both the CPU and GPU both sport different revision information on the chips but its hard to say whether or not 65nm has been implemented. One of the more interesting observations that seems to point to lower power consumption implying a possible 65nm core is the fact that there are some capacitors and transistors that have been removed on this revision of board."
I had my original premium for a year, and My elite since it launched... never had a problem, neither have any of my friends, only from people who are of questionable intelligence have i personally heard stories of problems.
Not that I'm denying that there were/are problems with 360s but i think that the biggest issue is that there is a smaller buffer for user error, id say that about 30% of the issues that have happened with the 360 are due to people doing stupid things that they got away with before with other systems, but since the 360 is a piece of equipment designed for grown ups, its not so lenient.
Yup, don't buy an elite, or any 360 for that matter. Always let the extremely vocal minority worry you and ruin you plans of enjoying it, while completely ignoring the vast, silent majority who are enjoying it every day! This is the best advice I can give you! Oh, and make sure never buy a game that dousn't get a good review, cuz you'll just get ripped off.
Don't buy a Toyota Camry, either. There was a recall on the airbags last year. The failure rate is 50/50. They may or may not work, which could lead to your death!!!!!11
Love the awesome witty sarcasm. :)
The Elite is not actually "the same ole'"
It sports a different revision of the CPU, GPU and Motherboard that are a newer design over the Premiums and Core. This has led to a slightly lower power consumption and lower heat than the other 2 sku's. This has been reported by all of the tech sites that did tear downs of the Elite when it first came out. The Elite does in fact run cooler and seem to be more reliable due to these upgrades.
It still doesn't have the 65nm chips yet - but it does have newer version of the 90nm ones.
Here is a quote and a link (like I said we do now know they aren't the 65nm chips - but still newer revisions):
"Both the CPU and GPU both sport different revision information on the chips but its hard to say whether or not 65nm has been implemented. One of the more interesting observations that seems to point to lower power consumption implying a possible 65nm core is the fact that there are some capacitors and transistors that have been removed on this revision of board."
man, thats good to hear...
thx for the info
[QUOTE="DataDream"]The Elite is not actually "the same ole'"
It sports a different revision of the CPU, GPU and Motherboard that are a newer design over the Premiums and Core. This has led to a slightly lower power consumption and lower heat than the other 2 sku's. This has been reported by all of the tech sites that did tear downs of the Elite when it first came out. The Elite does in fact run cooler and seem to be more reliable due to these upgrades.
It still doesn't have the 65nm chips yet - but it does have newer version of the 90nm ones.
Here is a quote and a link (like I said we do now know they aren't the 65nm chips - but still newer revisions):
"Both the CPU and GPU both sport different revision information on the chips but its hard to say whether or not 65nm has been implemented. One of the more interesting observations that seems to point to lower power consumption implying a possible 65nm core is the fact that there are some capacitors and transistors that have been removed on this revision of board."
man, thats good to hear...
thx for the info
didn't they also start dipping the some parts in expoxy or something like that (forgot what it was called) so the chips don't pop off the board that easily anymore?
i am getting my elite next month (3 or 4 more weeks!), is it true the new chip will be FREE or cost less?
From what I've heard so far there has NOT been any ring of deaths with the XBOX360 Elite Console. If you own one you would realise it runs quieter than the original XBOX360. Possibly due to the different parts installed into the elite console causing less problems such as the "ring of dead" and so fourth so fourth, etc etc.
I had my original premium for a year, and My elite since it launched... never had a problem, neither have any of my friends, only from people who are of questionable intelligence have i personally heard stories of problems.
Not that I'm denying that there were/are problems with 360s but i think that the biggest issue is that there is a smaller buffer for user error, id say that about 30% of the issues that have happened with the 360 are due to people doing stupid things that they got away with before with other systems, but since the 360 is a piece of equipment designed for grown ups, its not so lenient.
Wow, you're a tool. My 360 failed on me as well and I kept it as clean as possible. I placed it away from all other electronics, didn't plug it into a surge, and was careful in handling it. Don't tell me I forgot to Criss Angel levitate the console. So here you are, saying that only idiots have had their console fail?
If the console barely had problems, then their repair center wouldn't take forever in repairing your console and they wouldn't put new heatsinks inside. I hate it when people defend MSoft by calling people with hardware failures, "of questionable intelligence." By the way, I've treated my PS3 the same way and I have yet to encounter any issue with it.
Is the Xbox 360 elite much more reliable than the other 360 SKUs availiable, or does it suffer from the same "ring of death" every few months ?Cyborg-21its not every few months, i had mine since last august almost 1 year
I have had my Elite since it's launch. It is an excellent system. Runs quieter and is noticeably cooler than the premium I had. I think it is a good investment over the current premium if you have the extra coin. As always get it where you can get an in store plan so if it ever does fail you can just do a swap there instead of mailing away your system.lukeymonwdepends on what dvd drive u get. because my cousins 360 he got last xmas wasnt as loud as my launch i took that back picked up a premium and that thing was louder then both. plus it got alot hotter them my guessing the elite stays cool better then the other skus.
The Elite is not actually "the same ole'"
It sports a different revision of the CPU, GPU and Motherboard that are a newer design over the Premiums and Core. This has led to a slightly lower power consumption and lower heat than the other 2 sku's. This has been reported by all of the tech sites that did tear downs of the Elite when it first came out. The Elite does in fact run cooler and seem to be more reliable due to these upgrades.
It still doesn't have the 65nm chips yet - but it does have newer version of the 90nm ones.
Here is a quote and a link (like I said we do now know they aren't the 65nm chips - but still newer revisions):
"Both the CPU and GPU both sport different revision information on the chips but its hard to say whether or not 65nm has been implemented. One of the more interesting observations that seems to point to lower power consumption implying a possible 65nm core is the fact that there are some capacitors and transistors that have been removed on this revision of board."
That's what I like to hear lol. I can't wait to get mine.
[QUOTE="TheBlastmaster"]I had my original premium for a year, and My elite since it launched... never had a problem, neither have any of my friends, only from people who are of questionable intelligence have i personally heard stories of problems.
Not that I'm denying that there were/are problems with 360s but i think that the biggest issue is that there is a smaller buffer for user error, id say that about 30% of the issues that have happened with the 360 are due to people doing stupid things that they got away with before with other systems, but since the 360 is a piece of equipment designed for grown ups, its not so lenient.
Wow, you're a tool. My 360 failed on me as well and I kept it as clean as possible. I placed it away from all other electronics, didn't plug it into a surge, and was careful in handling it. Don't tell me I forgot to Criss Angel levitate the console. So here you are, saying that only idiots have had their console fail?
If the console barely had problems, then their repair center wouldn't take forever in repairing your console and they wouldn't put new heatsinks inside. I hate it when people defend MSoft by calling people with hardware failures, "of questionable intelligence." By the way, I've treated my PS3 the same way and I have yet to encounter any issue with it.
nice... you have proven you intelligence by putting words in my mouth and/or selectively reading my post, CONGRATULATIONS!! i never defended microsoft in fact i never said one word about them! Nor did i say that the only reason any problems were had with the system was because of mistreatment, i actually said 30% (which is not 100% nor is it even half of it, but of course im a tool so what do i know) and i even said "Not that I'm denying that there were/are problems with 360s..."
Sure maybe my post touched a nerve with some people, but when i have customers bring me X360 games, for me to buff scratches out of, that have a ring on them (that only happens when you bump/move your system while the disc is spinning) and rather than admit that it happened they try to say that some Mexican kid must have played it and ringed it before it got cellophaned and shipped (because of all those Mexican kid factory workers that own 360s) i think i have a right to question their intelligence.
And thanks to your last comment i see where this is all coming from... if youre gonna troll, troll smarter fanboi
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