1. I could really care less if my sentence structure is correct here on video game threads and don't think your special if your doing it correctly or by insulting people because trust me.It's not that tough.So don't get all worked up about yourself.
2. I really don't care if they go multi-plat or not.I was talking about it from a business stand point. When i said it would hate it cause im a fan of the 360, i meant that if they would loose those them, they could loose buyers, which could ultimetly cause them to stop making consoles.Please try to read between the lines before you go making hasty replies. Also it's obvious that the Wii will continue to sell incredibly well and if the PS3 does get a price drop then that will surely hurt them too. and saying the 360 and pc are aiming at different markets is about the dumbest thing ive ever heard.Plus, im sure this gen will last around its normal 5 year life spand to maximize profits.I do have a 360 and Wii and am planning to get ps3 if the price drop is true.im far from insecure so please stop acting like an idiot because you clearly did not understand the thread.
p.s. ill be waiting for the comments on how my grammer isnt correct and frankly.I dont give a s%!t
Get angry. I was mostly concerned about the use of paragraphs to be honest. It just makes it a bit more readable. Is that so hard to understand?
On topic though. I apologise if I offended you but it does come off an awful lot like you're one of the hundreds of young adolescent douchebags who seem to think that they're console 'winning' is a measure of themselves. Clearly you're aren't one of them and I jumped to conclusions, whatever. My points though do stand. The 360 is easier to develop for, therefore they will continue to have games made for it. And as I said in my second post it is still selling and has a much higher attach rate than the PS3. Trust me, it's not going anywhere soon. MS have spent too much money on it already to cut and run.
As for the gen-length, MS said themselves that they were planning on it being shorter than last gen. That was a while ago though so it's probably changed since then.
And now my favourite point. Consoles and PC's are two COMPLETELY different markets. In fact the only reason MS even made the Xbox was because they'd already pretty much won the computer race so they wanted to 'take over the loungeroom' (their words). In other words even MS see them as two different markets. The reality is that you or I (that is people who actually take games as a hobby, as opposed to 'casual gamers') may compare computers to consoles but most don't. Consoles are commonly bought to play games and PC's are bought for school, work, internet etc. Games are a secondary consideration for most (hence the reason companies like Dell or HP still advertise for certain 'gaming PCs' - most people don't buy PC's for games).
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