well well well... there are some threads, and images of gears going to PC...i really dont know if its true...or if its just a rumour....but for example, many people incluiding myself Gears is one of the gameS, that made us get a 360...
and now if its ported to the pc...it will no longer be a 360 exclusive, and being one of the biggest titles for the 360, some other exclusives can go to pc, not mentioning some of the ones that are ( or could be )on both pc and 360... Bioshock for example...KUF: CoD..many other ones...
it sux X(
look this is how it works, 360 games will go to pc. and pc games will come to the 360. thats just how it is. its all MS. and the more a game sales the better off for the company, and ultimately better off for the gamer. hell for you to get any better graphics, sound or preformance you have to spend an arm and a leg over and over on a pcto even beat the 360. thats sheer truth. where as the games will constantly look better and better on the console over time. and development, in order to do that with pc, you have to constantly upgrade certain components ie GPU, memory ext. now im not saying pc gamming is bad, actually far from it, but with my preferences i prefer the 360, i get waayy more for my money. and in 2 years there will be games out that on the 360 that put the ones out today to shame. graphically, also in sound, and in just about every aspect. thats how it works. look at halo, then halo2. look at red faction 2, then look at doom3. see what i mean. the only thing pc games have over the consoles are map editors inmy opinion, now with that said that could be changed, especially with the use of the new 120gb. harddrive. which will be use to incorporate extended gamming in the future when more and more people buy it. i have an elite which came with it, but i plan on getting games like Huxley, and age of conan, which will utilize this hdd. and over time there will be games with map editors, but dont ever say it cant be done. look at farcry. but back to story at hand. i like a controller. and mouse and keyboard is not really any generally faster if the controller is in the right hands, well maybe on RTS. but they (the developers) have actually done a good job utilizing the controller for the RTS genre. still on RTS i do prefer mouse and keyboard. but it seems that 360 is the sweet spot this generation. especially for the price. look at all that is announced and planned for it. and there are several things not even announced and not just games MS is saving for a later date. the 360's life is far from over. and as a matter of fact i think it trully has just begun.
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