Last year i purchased an insignia 27' hdtv from best buy. Both the manual and the website state that the television is 1080i compatible. However, when i plug in my hdtv cables into the televisions hd slots, the best picture i can get is 480p. Every time i set the television to 1080i, the picture seems to get blurry and stretched upward. Am i doing something wrong or does this tv not work with the xbox's hdtv cables?
make sure you're using the HD cables that came with the xbox. plug them into the right ones on the tv. and turn the little switch on the cables to HDTV and not TV. if all else fails then go blow up Insignia.
Im not an expert in this, if your screen also supports vga you could try a vga cable, and try out 720p if it works, have you tried the screen configuration on the 360 itself?
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