Here they are... I sure hope the first question is just a sample size issue =P
1. What's your sex?
Male - 97%
Female - 3%
Prefer not to answer - 0%
2. How old are you?
0-13 - 1%
13-17 -42.4%
17-21 - 28.3%
21-25 - 15.2%
25+ - 13.1%
3. What version of the 360 do you own?
Core - 8%
Premium - 84%
Elite - 6%
More than one - 2%
4. How reliable is your 360?
No Problems - 39%
A few minor problems - 16%
Many minor problems - 2%
Sent it in for repair once (or PRP) - 33%
Sent it in for repair more than once (or PRP) - 10%
5. How important are achievement points to you?
Very (I often play bad games to up my score)- 5%
Somewhat (They add replay to games I normally wouldn't otherwise continue to play)- 71%
Not much (I barely notice the points I earn) - 24%
6. What are your three favorite genres?
Action / Adventure - 66.7%
Shooter - 84.9%
Roleplaying - 54.6%
Strategy - 6.1%
Racing - 20.2%
Sports - 33.3%
Fighting - 6.1%
Horror - 11.1%
Puzzle - 2%
Simulation - 6.1%
7. Do you own either of the other "next-gen" consoles?
Nintendo Wii - 23.2%
Playstation 3 - 4.0%
Both - 6.1%
Neither - 66.7%
8. Do you game on a HDTV?
No - 37.8%
Yes; 25" or less - 5.1%
Yes; 26-37" - 24.5%
Yes; 38" or larger - 32.7%
9. What are your three most anticipated Xbox360 games due to release between now and Jan 1, 2008? (for the sake of my hands, I'm only typing the top10, k? :))
Halo 3 - 66%
GTA IV - 46%
Assassin's Creed - 43%
Mass Effect - 38%
Bioshock - 31%
CoD4 - 25%
Guitar Hero 3 - 14%
Madden NFL 08 - 9%
FourTied at 8%- Army of Two, Ace Combat 6, Kane and Lynch, and Too Human
10. How satisfied are you with your Xbox360? (1-5, 5 = most satisfied)
5 (Very Satisfied) - 59%
4 (Satisfied) - 36%
3 (Unsure) - 5%
2 (Not Satisfied) - 0%
1 (Outraged) - 0%
I thought these results were pretty good... except for the male v female one =/ I hope that isn't representative of the community -_- (Sausage fest!). But yeah, it's based on 99 or 100 votes (depending on the section)... so it's a decent chunk of data. I really had fun making this poll and I'm satisfied with the turnout. I'll think of another one in the near future and I hope you guys found some redeeming value in the fruits of my labor :)
Yoshi, Data Master, signing off!
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