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Hey I have a 360 which I bought here in Canada and several games which I bought all here in Canada. But for the summer, I'm going back to Malaysia in Asia and I was wondering would my 360 function and let me get on Xbox Live and play my games in Malaysia? I know about the voltage and I'll get a transformer even though I dont know whether that would work... So yea would my 360 which I bought in Canada only work in Canada and not in Malaysia and same goes with the games. Oh and also would games that I bought in Malaysia play on my 360? If it doesnt is there a way to change regions on my 360 temporarily?Sysnyster_rulez
Your 360 can function in maylasia. unless the outlet is different for the power supply.
If you buy games there it won't work. It might be burned copies because they sell alot of those there. and the games there isregion locked for asia.
Yes, it will. But if Canada, like the U.S, uses 110V as the standard rating, u are gonna need a transformer, because in Malaysia and most other parts of the world, 240V is standard.
Canadian Xbox 360 DVDs are Region Coded 1, if I am not mistaken.In Malaysia. its Region Code 3.
And of course, purchasing ANY Xbox 360 game, burned or not, will not work on your Xbox 360.
If u wish, feel free to add me, Gamertag = AeroRazgriz
(I feel damn lonely cause there arent many people here who represent on Xbox LIVE, well, I estimate there are less than 1 or 2 thousand Malaysian Xbox LIVE subscribers)
P.S: Btw I'm only 15. lol : ]
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