Mainly ARs- M16, M4, G3 and G36c
I use only the MP5 when the level calls for an SMG. P90 is weak and the rest i just dont like to use.
Any Sniper Rifle for long range levels
Flash Grenades
1)Bandolier 100% (i mostly play domination and team deathmatch. And definitly for last stand nubs)
2) Stopping Power 100% (especially when going against juggernaut nubs)
3) Extreme Conditioning (i like to get to my spot or a flag very quickly)
3) Iron Lungs(Only when im sniping)
Last stand and Martydom should be taken out. How is it that when you die that you have a grenade slip out thats ready to explode. As for last stand (especially with juggernaut), how is it that you can take a round or several rounds to the head or body and still be able to pull out a gun and accurately fire as well as turn around and aim at others. Ridiculous.
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