I pulled this from the Team17 forums. This may have already been posted but I haven't seen it so I thought I would put it up:
"Couple of news bits, after I spent a few days with various people in the XBLA team in Amsterdam last week;
1. We've been cleared to do a bit more PR, so expect a bit more information. We're ok to do interviews and such, but the release date is still a little vague until we're out of the cert loop (yes, that means we're not... yet..)
2. We've seen one review criticising the amount of content compared to other Worms releases, it's important to understand that Worms stays within (and couldn't do otherwise!) the XBLA size limit of 50mb - for example, the data in the PSP, much lower-definition edition was 800mb, or 20X the size. Because of that, it was only possible to supply so much data in terms of audio tracks, voice banks and visual themes due to the sheer size of the latter in high-definition. We intend to and will supply more in marketplace both as downloadable (free!) as well as premium content (chargeable). However, these omissions fail to make a serious indent on the actual gameplay, which is what our decisions were centered upon.
3. Contrary to some rumouring, the game isn't being held up by any party in particular and everyone is keen to get this to you. Stay tuned for updates and watch the press for news and snippets.
In summary, it's disappointing that it's not with you all yet and we hope to bring it to you soon - it's really going to rock on those leaderboards."
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